My Art News
My Art News
A​lthough I have dabbled with art on/off throughout my life, it is only since 2020 that I have gone full-tilt artist, which means to also learn the "rules" about BEING an artist, so to speak, the lingo, about art shows, and that whole world. As a self-taught artist, that art education continues in so many ways! My News Archive here sort of tracks the progress, success and/or attempts in my baby steps.
OSA Gallery for Prince William County Artists
OSA Gallery for Prince William County Artists
Beginning in April 2022, the Prince William Art Society is helping to manage the gallery at Open Space Arts (OSA) at Stonebridge! The gallery will house Prince William County artists and their artwork from outstanding artists from across the county! Check out the PWAS website for CALLs for ART!
Open Space Arts Expanded at Stonebridge
Open Space Arts Expanded at Stonebridge
November/December 2021 - The Stonebridge Open Space Art Show at 1500 Potomac Town Place, launched a "popup" art show after the Thanksgiving weeken​d and the show has been expanded up to December 12, 2021! The event is sponsored by JBG Smith and the Prince William County Artists Council (PWCAC). The Prince William Arts Society (PWAS) has thirteen artists displaying around the gallery.
My painting "Mountain Path" tied for second in the People's Choice Award! Thankyou, thankyou to all that voted!

People's Choice Award 2nd Place

​DonnaLiguriaArt.com - My Official Website, Finally!
​DonnaLiguriaArt.com - My Official Website, Finally!
November 2021 - I launched a Blog first, in 2020 called DonnasCavePaintings which is a behind the canvas look of my art inventory. This website is a major milestone to me. My plan is to make it easier for someone to see what I can do by seeing what art I have done. I hope you enjoy.

Juried Art Event at Stonebridge
Juried Art Event at Stonebridge
November 2021 - The Stonebridge Open Space Art Show at 1500 Potomac Town Place, launched a "popup" art show after the Thanksgiving weekend. The show is juried and 5 of my 6 paintings were selected for hanging along with 6 of my mini paintings. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Artists Sunday - November 26-28, 2021 and sponsored by the Prince William County Artists Council (PWCAC). The Prince William Arts Society (PWAS) has thirteen artists selected to appear.

J​oined the Manassas Art Guild (MAG)
J​oined the Manassas Art Guild (MAG)
October 2021 - The Manassas Art Guild is a non-profit group of local artists in and around the Manassas and Woodbridge areas working together to build and maintain a visible and active visual artists community in Manassas, Virginia. They meet once a month on the 3rd Monday of the month at Creative Brush Studio located at 8951 Center Street, Manassas, VA at 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Creative Brush Studio's 4th Annual Small Works Show & Sale
Creative Brush Studio's 4th Annual Small Works Show & Sale
November 2021 - A juried art where 2 of 3 of my small paintings were chosen to appear in the Small Works Show and Sale at Creative Brush Studio at 8951 and 8953 Center Street, Manassas, Virginia 20110

Creative Brush Studio's Best of the Region 4
Creative Brush Studio's Best of the Region 4
October 2021 - A juried art event at Creative Brush Studio in Manassas, Virginia, these 2 paintings were selected to appear at the show! A reception to "meet the artists" and enjoy the art was held on October 17, 2021. It was so great to meet the other artists, to see their AWESOME art and to meet the folks that dropped in.
Best of the Region is an annual art show with this year's event being the fourth year. It was an inspiration and encouragement to be chosen to appear.

Prince William Art Society Celebrates 50 years
Prince William Art Society Celebrates 50 years
May 2021 - The Prince William Art Society celebrated 50 years at the Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery in Gainesville, VA. Leading members of the community were invited and attended the event along with the PWAS members and their spouses, while enjoying the PWAS member art on the walls! It was a beautiful art event and a gorgeous location.

Juried Art Show at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery in Gainesville, VA
Juried Art Show at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery in Gainesville, VA
May 2021 - Art Show at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery
Location: 15850 Sunshine Ridge Lane, Gainesville, VA 20155
Dates: May 25 through June 29, 2021
Recently in PWAS (Prince William Art Society), we were asked if we wanted to participate in an art exhibition taking place at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery in Gainesville. We were asked to submit 5 of our best works and they would be "juried". This meant that there was a third party person that would select the artwork that would be displayed.
The only stipulation was that they preferred larger artwork, nothing under 12 inches on it's smallest edge. I submitted my entrees and we were notified Friday, May 7, 2021 if we were selected, and which piece(s).
Gratefully, 4 out of 5 of my pieces were selected!

Joined the Prince William County Arts Council
Joined the Prince William County Arts Council
June 2021 - The Prince William County Arts Council is a membership organization serving the Greater Prince William Area, including Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park - in all areas of the arts.

My First Art Show, What a Learning Experience!
My First Art Show, What a Learning Experience!
May 2021 - My very first art show -ever- was with PWAS at their annual Spring Tall Oaks Art Show. Tall Oaks Community Center 12298 Cotton Mill Drive Woodbridge, VA 22192

I Joined the Prince William Art Society (PWAS)
I Joined the Prince William Art Society (PWAS)
March 2021 - The Prince William Art Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization made up of local artists living in Prince William County, Virginia. PWAS meets monthly on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:30pm at the Tall Oaks Community Center, 12298 Cotton Mill Drive, Lake Ridge, VA. PWAS also is fortunate to have the use of Clearbrook Center of the Arts for the use of the space as an art gallery to display the art of their members. Clearbrook is open every Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4pm and is manned by its volunteers - the PWAS Members whose art is populating the gallery.

I Started an Art Blog - Donna's Cave Paintings
I Started an Art Blog - Donna's Cave Paintings
October 1, 2020 - DonnasCavePaintings, the Blog, started in October 2020. I believe I have included photos of every piece of artwork I have created since that time. I see it as a "behind the canvas" view on those artworks.

Life Changes, So I'm Arting Again
Life Changes, So I'm Arting Again
July 2020 - The year 2020 will be a pivotal year for so many people - for a lot of reasons. The list is too big to tackle in this paragraph blurb. One big decision for me was to officially pick up the paint brush again, and make creating art a priority.
- PWAS - Prince William Art Society
- MAG - Manassas Art Guild
- OSA - Open Space Arts
- PWCAC - Prince William County Arts Council